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bazaarvcb [options]


bazaarvcb backup and restore VMware VMs

This doc is incomplete, use -h or “command” -h to get help from the command line. Read the GettingStarted file for more.


usage: bazaarvcb [-h] [--version]  ...

backup and restore VMware virtual machines

optional arguments:
  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
  --version    show program's version number and exit

valid commands:

    checkhash  check .hsh files integrity in one directory
    listvm     list registered VMs on the ESXi host
    queryvm    display VMs informations
               search for backups in local and remote directories
               display report file of one particular
    backup     backup a VM
    restore    restore a backup


usage: bazaarvcb backup [-h] [-q] [-d] [-l LOGFILE] [-H HOST] [-P PORT]
                           [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD]
                           [--mail {always,never,error}] [--mail-host HOST]
                           [--mail-port PORT] [--mail-mode {normal,ssl,tls}]
                           [--mail-login LOGIN] [--mail-password PASS]
                           [--mail-sender SENDER] [--mail-recipient RECIPIENT]
                           [--mail-header HEADER] [--exclude-disk DISK]
                           [--disk-format {zeroedthick,eagerzeroedthick,thin,2gbsparse}]
                           [--base BASE_DIR] [--hashing] [--consolidate]
                           [--profile] [--no-purge] [--roll-out COUNT]
                           [--shutdown] [--shutdown-timeout MINUTES] [--poweron]
                           [--poweron-after] [--agent COUNT]
                           [--listen ADDR[:PORT]] [--callback ADDR:PORT]
                           vmname target

positional arguments:
  vmname                the name or the .vmx path
  target                local or remote directory where to backup the VM

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           don't display log on the console
  -d, --debug           increase debugging level
                        specify the logfile

host options:
  -H HOST, --host HOST  hostname or ip address of the ESXi server
  -P PORT, --port PORT  port
  -u USER, --user USER  username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD

mail options:
  --mail {always,never,error}
                        when to send an email, default is never
  --mail-host HOST      name or IP of the mail relay
  --mail-port PORT      tcp port of the mail relay, (default depend of mode)
  --mail-mode {normal,ssl,tls}
                        SMTP protocol
  --mail-login LOGIN    login for the mail relay
  --mail-password PASS  password for the mail relay
  --mail-sender SENDER  email address of the sender
  --mail-recipient RECIPIENT
                        email address of one recipient, you can use multiple
  --mail-header HEADER  email address of one recipient, you can use multiple

backup options:
  --exclude-disk DISK   the full path of a disk to exclude, can be used
                        multiple time
  --disk-format {zeroedthick,eagerzeroedthick,thin,2gbsparse}
                        only for remote backup, when vmkfstools is used,
                        default is to keep the same format
  --base BASE_DIR       a directory where to search for the most recent base
  --hashing             use block hashing to lower bandwidth
  --consolidate         consolidate snapshots if any
  --profile             enable profiling
  --no-purge            don't purge backup that have failed
  --roll-out COUNT      the number of backup to keep, 0 to never roll, <0 to
                        roll before to backup
  --shutdown            shutdown the VM before the backup (poweroff after
                        shutdown-timeout seconds), you probably want a
                        --poweron too
  --shutdown-timeout MINUTES
                        time before to do a hard poweroff (default is 15 min)
  --poweron             start the VM after the snapshot, before to start the
  --poweron-after       start the VM after the end of the backup

  --jobname JOBNAME     the name of the job, default is to use the vmname
  --comment COMMENT     a comment going into the report

  --agent COUNT         the number of agent to start on the remote ESXi
  --listen (ADDR:)PORT  the program expect to receive data from ESXi on this
                        port, default is 31031, it is already open on ESXi,
                        open it on your Windows or Linux host
  --callback ADDR:PORT  when the program is behind NAT, the address of your
                        Internet gateway to which the ESXi will send data back


usage: bazaarvcb listvm [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST  hostname or ip address of the ESXi server
  -P PORT, --port PORT  port
  -u USER, --user USER  username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD


usage: bazaarvcb listbackup [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-u USER]
                               [-p PASSWORD]
                               vmname path [path ...]

positional arguments:
  vmname                the name or the UUID of the VM, use "*" for all
  path                  list of local and remote directories to search for

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST  hostname or ip address of the ESXi server
  -P PORT, --port PORT  port
  -u USER, --user USER  username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD


usage: bazaarvcb restore [-h] [-q] [-d] [-l LOGFILE] [-H HOST] [-P PORT]
                            [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD] [--agent COUNT]
                            [--listen ADDR[:PORT]] [--callback ADDR:PORT]
                            [--register] [--map-disk-NA DISK_NAME:TARGET_DIR]
                            [--disk-format-NA {zeroedthick,eagerzeroedthick,thin}]
                            [--poweron-NA] [--no-purge-NA]
                            vmname source destination

positional arguments:
  vmname                the name to give to the new vm
  source                the local or remote directory holding the backup
  destination           where to restore the backup

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, --quiet           don't display log on the console
  -d, --debug           increase debugging level
                        specify the logfile
  --agent COUNT         the number of agent to start on the remote ESXi
  --listen ADDR[:PORT]  the program expect to receive data from ESXi on this
                        port, default is 31031
  --callback ADDR:PORT  when the program is behind NAT, the address of your
                        Internet gateway to which the ESXi will send data back

host options:
  -H HOST, --host HOST  hostname or ip address of the ESXi server
  -P PORT, --port PORT  port
  -u USER, --user USER  username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD

restore options:
  --register            register the newly restored VM
                        map disk
  --disk-format-NA {zeroedthick,eagerzeroedthick,thin}
                        only when vmkfstools is used, default is to keep the
                        same format
  --poweron-NA          start the VM after the restore
  --no-purge-NA         don't purge restore that have failed


List registered VMs

$ bazaarvcb listvm -H vmware -u root -p pass

Get info about a VM

$ bazaarvcb queryvm -H vmware -u root -p pass MISC.ttylinux2G

Backup your VM to a datastore

$ bazaarvcb backup -H vmware -u root -p pass –roll-out 3 MISC.ttylinux2G “[SATA750-0] /backup”

Backup VM to a local directory (download)

$ bazaarvcb backup -H vmware -u root -p pass –roll-out 3 MISC.ttylinux2G /s1/backup/bazaarvcb

List backup of VM MISC.ttylinux2G in local directory and on datastores.

$ bazaarvcb listbackup -H vmware -u root -p pass MISC.ttylinux2G “[SATA750-0] /backup” /s1/backup/bazaarvcb

Restore a backup

$ bazaarvcb restore -H vmware -u root -p vishnou –register Restored.ttylinux2Ga /s1/backup/bazaarvcb/MISC.ttylinux2G-20130422024048 “[SATA750-0] /”


Alain Spineux <>